I started the Swiss Alpine Mandala which I am enjoying stitching. This is the first time I have stitched a Chatelaine using all silk. It has been put on the back burner for a bit because I am stitching things for Christmas.

Next up are the teapots. I have managed to keep up with them but there is now a huge snag. I have been stitching away at November only to find out that by mistake JABC had sent the teacup design with the teapot buttons. I am now going to have to unpick a whole pumpkin which was nearly finished so there is no way that November will be started by November because I have to wait for the right chart to come! The teacup designs are totally different from the teapots and I should have realised there was something wrong especially as it says at the top of the chart November Teacup. It just shows you read what you expect to see.

For a bit of fun and because I wanted to stitch something quickly I finished the little Just Nan bunny.

My daughter bought me the Gingerbread House bell pull from Victoria Sampler last Christmas and I have recently completed that. I have still to make it up but that shouldn't take long.

I had treated myself to The Gingerbread Stitching House again from Victoria Sampler and I am enjoying that as well, although I am not looking forward to making it up. I am not sure I can get all the items needed here in England so I think there will be a little experimenting going on.

I have so many lovely things to stitch in my stash it is hard to choose what to stitch when The Gingerbread House is finished. I am torn between The Toy Gatherer, some Drawn Thread Gardens and some Just Nan Christmas small items. I think Just Nan will win because I already have the frames.
I saw a completed Japanese box, Chatelaine, on somebody's blog and that is tempting me to buy the download but I think I had better clear some of my stash first.
We are off to Paris this weekend so I will be taking a small piece of stitching with me, it helps pass the time on the train.
Happy stitching everyone and thank you for calling by.